Author Archives: Jim Cunliffe

About Jim Cunliffe

Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

Creative Business Cards Need QR Codes

Have you noticed them?  Once you do, you’ll start seeing them in more and more places – on products in shops, on newspaper pages, even on billboards.  They’re called QR Codes (stands for Quick Response apparently) and they’re the MENSA version of the bar code, cleverer than you’re average country hick type of bar code […]

DJ Business Cards

What’s the difference between a DJ and an ISA?  One of them eventually matures and earns money! OK – it’s a bad gag, but therein lies a kernel of truth (are you impressed with the philosophical turn of phrase?).  Also the DJs I know will laugh because they know it’s true.  DJs become DJs precisely […]

Flyers Do Actually Fly!

Flyers are all over the place, as you probably know from the little mountain of them that the local curry houses seem capable of shoving through your letter box every week, but did you know there is in fact a reason they’re called “flyers”? Mc Donalds Menus Delivered to Afghan Courtesy of the US Air […]

The Original Poster Boy

Jules Cheret Ever Heard of Jules Cheret?  Me either until a few days ago, but we actually have a lot to thank him for as he’s the guy generally considered to be the father of the modern poster.  Just as what we think of as modern printing was getting going in the 1890s, lots of […]

Santas Business Card

Yep, you heard it here first, Santa is prepared for the worst.  In the event of his untimely demise due to an unfortunate air traffic incident whilst delivering pressies in the Heathrow area, or some underhand business being perpetrated by an unruly element of the Elf community, Santa has laid the foundations of his succession. […]