Win Elections With Fridge Magnets

fridge magnets
I love people who aren’t afraid of doing things a little differently, so when I came across a story about Toronto’s Mayor, Rob Ford, behaving a little erratically with fridge magnets, I just had to share it around.
The story is from last summer, but worth checking out non-the-less as it affirms my personal belief that the more eccentric you are, the better you’ll do in politics – and quite right too in my humble opinion.  Ford has been the mayor of Toronto (Canada) since 2010, and still looks to be going strong in the run up to this Octobers’ elections when he fully intends to run for another term, and has gained a reputation of being just a little “outside the box”.  On this particular occasion he was meant to be attending a controversial local council meeting, but rather than sitting through the deliberations he jumped out of  his seat, ran out to the car park and rushed around putting promotional fridge magnets on as many cards as he could.  The magnets had been printed with his details, the message “Mayor Rob Ford”, and even included his home phone number – unheard of for North American politicians.   Check out the link for the story, which includes a video of the great man in action.
Whatever your political leanings, I think you’ll agree our home grown politics would be a lot more interesting if Westminster had a few more characters of this ilk.  Other than our very own London Mayor, Boris Johnston, it’s hard to think of any other politicians who can raise a smile and bring some of the fun back in to the running a city or a country.  So, if you want to get the younger generation into the serious business of politics – start with putting those slogans and manifesto promises on fridge magnets.  I bet a lot more people would notice when the promises aren’t kept!
Where to get hold of those fridge magnets
A few good ones to give you some ideas:
Fridge magnet trivia in the extreme:
More Fridge Magnet Images than you could possibly know what to do with:
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Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

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