Oh Goody – Another Greetings Card

Followers of this blog may be shocked to hear this, but I was recently accused of being a bit of old moaner.  “Moi” (I thought, with due deference to our European partners – and don’t get me started on that one), I’m usually all sweetness and light, but in face of the imminent arrival of the latest attempt by my other half to fleece me of the price of a meal, cards and chocolates, I think the accusation may have been well made.
I am, of course, referring to Valentines’ day.  Loved by the ladies and greeting cards printers alike, frowned upon by the older, wiser and slightly more brow-beaten members of the fraternity of middle aged men, it is definitely a day to rouse the passions of most – one way or the other.
The thing is, I haven’t always felt this way about the day. There was a time when I did actually really enjoy it. Back in my courting days (there’s an expression that shows my age), it was a real thrill to buy a card and cuddly bunny for my lady of the day, all in eager anticipation of the reciprocated affection and smooching session that invariably followed.  So what happened along the way that turned me into the jaded soul of today?
I think it may be just a case of too much of a good thing, which is due to the particular success of a Valentines date quite some time ago.  Tarry a while – haste is the arch enemy of delight – and I’ll explain.
We were both young(ish), the atmosphere was just right, and the company was particularly delightful.  The greetings card was witty, in a romantic way, and the dozen red roses worked their magic to woo my attractive partner to perfection.  Long story short, engaged, married, 3 kids, 5 house moves and a hefty mortgage later and I’ve morphed into a grumpy old g**, and I’ve identified why.  Since that heady evening of romance and the family life that followed I have sent:
  • 96 Birthday Cards
  • 17 Congratulations Cards
  • 72 Get Well cards
  • 6 New Job Cards
  • 23 Anniversary Cards
  • 23 Xmas Cards
  • Oh – and not to forget 23 (soon to be 24) Valentines Cards.

So I’m not grumpy, I’m just exhausted.  Having to constantly think of witty messages to add to the cards of a growing family is more than should be expected of any rational individual. Therefore I accept the moniker applied, and in the face of the overwhelming evidence, plead guilty to all charges.  Time to go and organise that card……..

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Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

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