Keeping It Clean with Custom Made Stamps

I was thinking about doing a quick spot on how to keep custom made stamps clean, you know the kind of thing – take good care of it so it lasts forever and never produces a smudged image – and enlisted the assistance of the ever faithful Eric.  My bit is to produce the blurb about storing the stamp face down on a flat surface so it doesn’t get knocked about and damage the ridges of the stamp; keep it clean with a proprietary solvent (warm soapy water works just as well and costs less – but don’t let on you know about that); and don’t let it get dusty and dirty as this will gunk up the ink and you won’t get a clean image (is this all a bit too obvious?), and all Eric had to do was find an example of the kind of stamp you get if you don’t follow the simple steps.

The instruction went along the lines of

“find a stamp that’s hardly ever used, you know the kind, the ones that get shoved in the back of a drawer and never see the light of day , so they dry out and get damaged as loads of other stuff is shoved in on top”.

So off he went to the bosses drawer to come up with the least used, most neglected stamp in the building.

custom made stamps
Business Flyers and The Great Game
What Would You Do With Your Custom Made Stamps?

Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

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