Eco Business Cards and ECFs

eco business cards

You just gotta love acronyms.  Like most businesses we have plenty, and the more technical the industry gets, the more we seem to accumulate.  Some of the most important we come across though are the one that help make us an environmentally friendly company.  Not only do we make a point of using recycled paper as much as possible for our products, like Eco business cards, we go even further and make sure that the original paper came from sustainable forests and was originally manufactured in as green a way as possible.

One of the things about making paper is that it starts off brown.  Logical really when you think about what its made from, so before it can be useful (unless you want brown paper bags of course) it has to be bleached white.  The trouble is that the chlorine in bleach is very nasty, both for people and the environment. Because of this many paper manufacturers now use Elemental Choline Free (ECF) bleaching agents.  They’re not completely green, but they are far better than the basic (elemental) bleach that used to be used, so it’s a big step in the right direction, and why facemediagroup only uses paper stock that has been produced this way.  So ECF is one acronym I don’t mind adding to the long list we use.

Just for fun we were thinking of having a competition to see what else we could make ECF stand for, but decided against it.  Knowing the guys in the print shop it was probably a bad idea to let them loose with those particular letters.

Business Card Printing - The Bump and Grind
A New Twist on Recycled Business Cards

Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

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