Great Slogans For Business Flyers

As business flyer printers, we know the value of keeping the message short and effective.  When you only have a short space to work in, you don’t want to waste it on waffle and dreary content no one’s going to read.  You need good images, a good offer, and best of all, a really catchy slogan.  One that tells your customers what you’re all about in one snappy little phrase.

It can be quite difficult coming up with that perfect stap line, so there’s nothing like borrowing ideas from the best.

Here’s a great list I saw on the Tripwire Magazine website.  When you see how sharp some of these are, you can’t help but be inspired.  You can’t just copy them of course – these are the big boys who won’t think twice about sueing you in to bakruptcy for merely thinking about their slogan with any product but their own – but you can get a feel for how they use langauge so carefully and effectively and then go and create your own killer strap line.

1. LG

LG slogan

2. Lacoste


3. Apple

apple slogan

4. Budweiser

budweiser slogan

5. BDO

BDO slogan

6. Metro Bank

metrobank slogan

7. Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson slogan

8. Lego


9. Calvin Klein

CK slogan

10. Panasonic

Panasonic slogan

11. Marks & Spencer

Marks and Spencer slogan

12. Reebok

Reebook slogan

13. Johnnie Walker

Johnny Walker slogan

14. Walmart

Walmart slogan

15. Red Cross

Red Cross slogan

16. Fortune Magazine

Fortune slogan

17. McDonalds

Mcdonalds slogan

18. Hallmark

Hallmark slogan

19. Levi’s

Levis slogan

20. Nike

Nike slogan

21. Nokia

Nokia slogan

22. Tag Heuer

Tag Heur slogan

23. Sony

Sony slogan

24. Kentucky Fried Chicken

KFC slogan

25. Electronic Arts

EA sports slogan

26. Olympus

Olympus slogan

27. Maxwell House

Maxwell slogan

28. Clairol

Clairol slogan

29. Aston Martin

Aston Martin slogan

30. Burger King

Burger King Slogan

31. Visa

Visa slogan

32. Coca-Cola

Coke slogan

33. M&M

mNm slogan

34. AT&T

atlogo slogan

35. Jaguar

Jaguar slogan

36. Diesel Jeans

Diesel slogan

37. Ebay

Ebay slogan

38. Energizer

Energizer battery

39. Metropolitan Life

Metlife slogan

40. L’Oreal

Loreal slogan

41. Nikon

Nikon slogan

42. Google

Google slogan

43. 3M

3m slogan

44. Canon

Canon slogan

45. Porsche

Porsche slogan

46. Volkswagen

Volkswagen slogan

47. Fedex

FEDEX slogan

48. IBM


49. Disneyland

DisneyLand slogan

50. Adidas

Adidda slogan

Using a Die Cut to ensure your Flyer stands out
Flyers Do Actually Fly!

Jim is a prolific networker, small business mentor and a supporter of anything 'community'. He is an ambassador for Young Enterprise on the South Coast and loves to spend his time encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets.

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