My Basket 3

What file format should I supply my artwork in?

Author: Ellie Williamson
Published: 05/07/2013

This resource provides a list of accepted formats when sending your artwork to use for printing.

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Formats for print ready artwork

For the best results, your artwork for print should be sent in one of the following formats:

  • High resolution PDF (this is our preferred format)
  • High resolution JPEG (Joint Photographic Exports Group)
  • EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
  • AI (Adobe Illustrator)
  • PS (Adobe Photoshop)
  • TIFF (Tagged Image File)
  • PNG (Portable Network Grahics)

If you are unsure what format to use...

If you are unsure whether we will be able to use a specific file format, it's best to export your artwork as a PDF.

Providing your logo

When you want to send us a copy of your logo, it's best to send a vector file which will normally be an AI or EPS file, although we can work with other formats such as PDF. The vector format for your logo ensures the image will be high quality and easily scalable. Don't worry if you are unable to send a vector version of your logo as any other file type should be acceptable providing it is a high quality image and large enough for the final printed product.

**Exception to the Rule**

When supplying your artwork for stamps, we prefer a high resolution JPEG at 300dpi set in the RGB colour mode. This is because the software we use to process the artwork for stamps. That said, we can accept other formats, but the result may not be quite as good.

Can I supply my artwork as a Word file, or do I need design software?

It is perfectly acceptable for you to send us your artwork as a Microsoft Word file, but if you do we recommend exporting the file as a high resolution PDF rather than sending the original Word document. This is due to different versions of Word interpreting the file differently which could cause alterations to your artwork when we open the file on our system.

**Useful Information**

If your artwork is purely a text based design, you may prefer us to reset the artwork for you at a small cost to ensure it is set up correctly.

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