Friday Throwdown - Maidens Head

Author: Adam Prew
Published: 20/08/2013

Club nights are a great venue for getting flyers out into the world, and handing them out after a gig or event raises awareness of upcoming shows and helps pull the regulars in.

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The design process

Maiden's Head wanted a design that reflected more of a club night, as opposed to the relaxing wine bar which they previously promoted. Font choice was a big design element for the flyer as the font can say so much about the style and theme of a design. I chose a font called 'Kabel' as it's reminiscent of strobe lights, and I opted for bright green with white behind to give the feeling of luminosity (a great way to illustrate disco lights is to use bright neon colours, with a radial blur).

On the back of the flyer I used a mix of fonts. The general rule is to never use more than three different fonts on any design, but there are times when you can break these rules provided it is done in an appropriate way. Each font I chose represented a different night at the bar, and by sticking to one colour palette the effect was quite stunning.

A quick note though - when using different fonts on one design make sure not to mix your serifs and san-serifs too much, as this is when it can begin to look messy.

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